Friday, December 4, 2009

Let the Feast Begin! Nov. 24, 2009

Akiuk Memorial School hosted a Thanksgiving feast for the community of Kasigluk. As you know, Kasigluk is made up of two villages: Akiuk and Akula. In total, our population is around 530 people. So, when you invite the entire community, you certainly have a big party.

Most of the planning was done by Annie, our cook. Fourteen turkeys were baked. Mashed potatoes, stuffing corn, cranberry sauce, lettuce salad, jello salads, olives, celery, bread with butter, pineapple upside down cake, spice cake, white cake, and a variety of beverages were also served. Amazing, isn't it? And, we didn't run out of food.

The school from Akula's side came over early. We put our students together and they danced. Then, the elders poke on cultural values. The students listened to them speak for over an hour. We then lined the students up by age and the feast began.

We each had a job. The first photo shows Tweelie, a student teacher, carving one of the turkeys.
Deanna (left) helps Annie (far right) serve.

Karla and Paul served the salads.

Vicki helped serve desserts.

I was in charge of the line. This was my view. The line was throughout the lobby and continued outside. People waited patiently for over an hour. Students were served first. Once the student line was done, my job was over. The community line began. I, instead, went to help with the turkeys. I carved three of them - straight from the oven. No chance for them to cool. We needed the meat - "right now."

When the feast ended, Annie prepared take home boxes for anyone who wanted to take food home. Before long, the food was gone and clean-up began. We had a few students volunteers to do the clean-up - perhaps twenty. They got the work done quickly. When they were done, they knew they would have open gym. Here's Duane supervising the group.

What a fun day! Good food. Good people. A great way to start the Thanksgiving holiday.

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